I think this must be the last recordings of Dr. Shirley (Mahershala Ali in Green Book).
It was quite interesting piano lessons with him,
and his Steinway concert grand piano (photo) was amazing!
I can't forget the day when Dr. Shirley came to see me at Cafe San Marco, West Village.
I was playing with Nabuko and Atsundo, and he was standing outside and watching us and smiling.
The producer of this CD, Michael Kappeyne, was going to introduce me to Dr. Shirley,
but he could not make it, so Dr. Shirley came all by himself!
Congratulations for Academy Awards!!!
Dr. Shirleyの映画ができて、アカデミー賞まで取っちゃうなんて、
未だに信じられません。Life is Miracle!
My Upcoming gigs:
March 5th, 2019
Antique Garage Soho
March 8th, 2019
Arturo's, West Village